Copy a Google Analytics Dashboard from one profile to another

If you have multiple profiles in Google Analytics and want to copy a Dashboard template (i.e. the configuration of all its widgets, not the profile-specific data) from one profile to another, here's a simple step by step procedure:

  1. Go to your already created Dashboard in Google Analytics (e.g. My Dashboard)
  2. On top of the page, below the Dashboard's name, click the button Share Dashboard
  3. A dialogue box appears with a URL. Copy that URL by using Ctrl-C, and close the dialogue box
  4. On the same browser window, enter that copied URL into the location bar and press return
  5. You will be shown a new dialogue box with a drop-down menu containing all your existing Analytics profiles
  6. Choose the profile that you wish to copy the Dashboard to, and click Create
  7. That's it. Enjoy your newly copied dashboard into your selected profile.